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GIOVANNI BELLINI undertook at first the study of classical guitar very young and then turned to early plucked strings instruments, specifically Lute, Theorbo and Baroque Guitar.

He achieved in 2017 the Master’s degree in Lute with honours under the direction of Andrea Damiani, at the Conservatorio “S. Cecilia” di Roma.

In 2018 he achieved with Matricula de Honor a Máster degree at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya in Instrumentos de cuerda pulsada under the guidance of Xavier Díaz-Latorre.
He also attended master classes with Paul O’Dette, Hopkinson Smith and Joachim Held, and seminaries on Renaissance and Middle Ages polyphony with Claudia Caffagni and Diego Fratelli.


He has been giving master classes in Lute, Theorbo, Guitar and performance practice at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City, as well as the Istituto Diocesano di Musica Sacra in Florence. He was also Profesor in occasion of the X edition of the Fundació CIMA Academy in Barcelona in year 2017, directed by Jordi Savall.

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Marco Serino violin
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He is the author of “Firenze e il Rinascimento Invisibile – Il Liuto di Lorenzo” (Florence and the Invisible Renaissance – Lorenzo’s Lute) a CD/book produced and awarded by the Regione Toscana, featuring stories and anecdotes about the musical life in Florence, at the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent. The CD contains a Solo Recital of Lute and Voice, with pieces of the typical Florentine repertoire if the late Quattrocento: the most representative music of the time and the place, originally transcribed, arranged and performed for Lute by the author himself.

He has given many concerts in Europe, both as a soloist and as a member of prestigious ensembles. He collaborates with many ensembles in the early music scene such as Le Concert des Nations, Ensemble Zefiro, Laberintos Ingeniosos, the Wrocław Baroque Orchestra, the Gran Teatre del Liceu orchestra, Ensemble Arte Musica, Concerto Romano, Divino Sospiro, Concerto Scirocco, the Cappella Musicale di S. Petronio, Accademia d’Arcadia, the Innsbrucker Festwochenorchester, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Virtuosi Italiani..

He has taken part in national and international festivals in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Poland, United States of America, Mexico, Cuba, either as a soloist or collaborating with such great personalities as Jordi Savall, Xavier Díaz-Latorre, Alfredo Bernardini, Marco Mencoboni, Francesco Cera, Alessandro de Marchi, Richard Egarr, Alessandro Quarta, Dorothee Oberlinger, Dmitry Sinkowski, Sara Mingardo, Roberta Invernizzi, Gemma Bertagnolli.

He recorded with Arcana, Glossa, Alia Vox, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Dynamic, Tactus, Amadeus, Naïve e Brilliant Classics.